Community Risk Reduction Services

Fire Marshal's Office

Please report all fire code/enforcement concerns to the Kannapolis Fire Marshal's office at 704-920-4281. 

To obtain fire reports please complete the Release of Authorization Form.

Community Outreach and Education 

  • Fire Truck Visits / Fire Station Tours
  • Remembering When - Remembering When is a fall and fire prevention program designed specifically for older adults. The program uses trivia based on music, slogans, television and movies from the past to promote safety. Older adults receive valuable safety information while having fun.  
  • Non-certified CPR (coming soon) - We offer free non-certified CPR training. Taking a few minutes to learn hands-only CPR can make an enormous difference in a sudden cardiac arrest emergency. When performed correctly, hands-only CPR will keep blood flowing to the heart and brain, significantly increasing a victim’s chances of survival. This free program is open to anyone interested in learning. You do not have to be a Kannapolis resident. Contact with questions. 
  • Residential Knox Box
  • Installation & Battery Replacement for Smoke Alarms (if qualified) - This program offers installation of free smoke alarms to Kannapolis Residents. Contact with questions. 
  • Preschool / Elementary Fire Safety Program - Fire safety programs are taught at both the preschool and the elementary levels. The Preschool 
    Program covers fire safety topics such as Friendly Firefighters, Smoke Alarms, Crawl Low Under Smoke and Practice Your Escape Plan. The Elementary Program aligns with the NC Standard Course of Study – Healthful Living Objectives and covers things like fire safety, bicycle safety and water safety.
  • Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Program - The Juvenile Fire Setter Intervention Program is taught by taskforce personnel who are trained intervention specialists through the National Fire Academy. The KFD recommends that children of any age with a history of fire setting or fire play participate in the program which uses age-appropriate, interactive methods for teaching children the deadly effects of fire. 

Other Responsibilities 

  • Agency Accreditation 
  • Emergency Managment 
  • Fire Hydrant Maintenance