Starting a Business

Review the information below about starting a business in Kannapolis.

City of Kannapolis Requirements

  • Obtain a Zoning Clearance Permit from the Planning Department (704-920-4350). Verify that the business location is properly zoned for the type of business to be conducted, and understand signage regulations. This applies to businesses located in an existing building, new construction, expansions or renovations, as well as home-based businesses.
  • Obtain an occupancy rating and fire inspection from the Fire Department (704-920-4260). Other special permits may be needed from the Fire Department.
  • Start water and sewer service from the Utility Billing Center (704-920-4399).
  • Register your alarm system as required by the Police Department by contacting the alarm administrator Cry Wolf  (866-402-2091). Failure to register your alarm is subject to a $200 penalty.
  • Building code inspections for Kannapolis are handled by Cabarrus County (704-920-2128), including the Rowan County portions of Kannapolis (unless you are in the Rowan ETJ). If you are located in the ETJ of Rowan County, please contact Rowan County Building Inspections (704-216-8619).

County and Other Requirements

  • Businesses must file a Business Personal Property Listing Form with the applicable County tax office (Cabarrus County or Rowan County) for filing of assets and other business property, such as computers, furniture, equipment, and tools.
  • Register your business name with the Register of Deeds office (Cabarrus County or Rowan County) in the county in which the business is located as well as any counties you are going to do business in by filing an Assumed Name Certificate or Trade Name Certificate.
  • Cabarrus Health Alliance and the Rowan County Health Department oversee regulations related to food service and distribution, and child care inspections.
  • Obtain other types of permits and licenses from county, state, or federal agencies.
  • Obtain other utility and contracted services.
  • Garbage and recycling – City of Kannapolis or private contractors
  • Electricity – Duke Energy or 800-777-9898
  • Natural gas – Dominion Energy or 877-776-2427
  • Internet and telephone – Windstream or 866-445-5882; Spectrum or 855-243-8892;  AT&T or 888-944-0447.


  • Fire Department Pre-Incident Survey in Businesses & Facilities - Obtaining data for pre-fire sketches that will be used by responding fire personnel during an actual fire emergency. With this information, firefighters will be prepared to provide the highest level of service in the event of an emergency. These surveys are not conducted by fire code officials and are not fire inspections. They are an opportunity for firefighters to familiarize themselves with your business and for you to interact with and communicate concerns to City firefighters.
  • Evaluating water flow requirements - Check water and sewer availability by contacting Brent Yost with Public Works at 704.920.4221. Be sure to provide the address or Parcel Identification Number (PIN) for your site.
  • Police Department Security Survey - free of charge to assess the security of your facility and make recommendations for improvements. Call Sergeant Timothy Lafferty at 704-920-4036 or by email.


Additional Resources



Phone: 704-920-4326

Address: 401 Laureate Way
Kannapolis, NC 28081


Irene Sacks

Irene Wong
Director of Economic & Community Development

Forms & Documents