Get Involved

Kannapolis is a great place to live because of its citizens who get involved. Get involved in your community today through these organizations and opportunities.

Boards and Commissions

The Kannapolis City Council appoints five boards and commissions to help guide decision making in Kannapolis.

Planning & Zoning Commission

Planning and Zoning Commission Memebers.

Advises City Council on issues related to the Land Use Plan and Unified Development Ordinance.

For more information visit the Planning page. 

Board of Adjustment

Board of Adjustment Members. 

Hears appeals and can grant conditional use permits based on their interpretation of the Unified Development Ordinance and the Kannapolis Zoning Map.

For more information visiting the Planning page. 

Parks and Recreation Commission

Parks and Recreation Commission Members. 

Advises City Council on all matters related to parks and recreational activities and facilities provided by the City. This includes reviewing policies and making recommendations regarding fees as well as the acquisition, sale, design, improvement, maintenance and operations of parks and parks equipment provided by the City of Kannapolis. 

This commission meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at City Hall, 401 Laureate Way.

For meeting minutes and more information, contact:

Gary Mills, Director of Parks and Recreation

Community Development Commission

Provides input on the City’s community development program, including expenditure of funds and community outreach. Meetings are held on Tuesdays approximately quarterly at 6:30 p.m. at the Kannapolis City Offices located at 401 Laureate Way. Refer to the meeting schedule for more details.

For more information, contact:

Sherry Gordon, Community Development Program Administrator

Personnel Advisory Board

The Personnel Advisory Board if composed of three persons designated by the City Council, with authority to hear employees’ grievances and make recommendations to the City Manager regarding employment practices within the City in an effort to foster career service, promote understanding, and improve personnel standards.

An employee or City Manager may request a hearing. The Chairperson of the Board conducts the hearing. The Personnel Advisory Board shall submit its findings of facts and recommendations to the City Manager upon such appeals to the City Manager within fifteen (15) calendar days of the hearing. Upon receiving the recommendation of the Personnel Advisory Board, the City Manager shall make a finding and render a decision. The City Manager will inform the grievant and the department head, in writing of the decision within 10 calendar days of receipt of the recommendation of the Personnel Advisory Board.

Meetings are held as needed.

For more information, contact:

Heather James, Human Resources Director

Applying to Serve on a Board or Commission

Applications to serve on the City’s boards and commissions are welcome throughout the year. Generally, applications are due April 1 for appointments starting with the July 1 fiscal year. However, seats occasionally become open throughout the year to be filled immediately. Members serving on City boards and commissions commit to serving a 3-year term with no more than three excused absences per year. Meetings are typically monthly in the evening, but details for each commission vary.

Those interested in applying can click HERE for an application.

For more information, contact:

Pam Scaggs, City Clerk

Kannapolis 101 and Police Academies

Kannapolis 101

Curious about how your city government works? Want a behind the scenes look at everything from the police department to economic development to the water treatment plant? Want to understand how the city budget works? Kannapolis 101 gives residents a behind-the-scenes look at their government at work. Evening classes are held weekly at various locations during a 9-week period in the fall.

Kannapolis 101 topics:

  • Setting the Stage an Overview of City Government
  • Finance Department
  • Public Works &Water Treatment
  • Planning
  • Police Department
  • Parks & Recreation
  • Fire Department
  • Economic Development/Downtown Revitalization 

Click here to learn more about Kannapolis 101

Police Academy

The Kannapolis Police Department Citizens Academy is designed to foster closer and meaningful relationships. between the police department and the citizens we serve. The academy classes are interactive and provide you with information on all aspects of the department such as patrol operations, traffic enforcement, defensive driving, firearms, K-9 operations, special operations (SWAT), felony investigations, interaction with the courts, community service programs, etc. The academy gives participants a transparent insight into all aspects of our police operations.

The ten week program meets on Thursday evenings and is held twice a year in the spring.

Pick up an application at the Kannapolis Police Department.

Police Academy topics:

  • Orientation
  • Patrol Operations
  • Use of Force
  • Firearms and Driving
  • SRT and K-9
  • Traffic Enforcement
  • Follow-up Traffic and DWI
  • Communications Services and 911
  • CID and Vice
  • Crime Scene
  • Graduation

For questions, please email: Terry Clanton

Community Organizations

There are many opportunities to volunteer and support non-profit organizations that are serving the residents of Kannapolis and Cabarrus County. Here are some of the primary service organizations.

  • 1, 2, 3 Jump
  • Academic Learning Center
  • American Red Cross Cabarrus County
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Charlotte
  • Boys & Girls Club of Cabarrus County
  • Cabarrus Literacy Council
  • Cabarrus Meals on Wheels
  • Cabarrus Victims Assistance Network (CVAN)
  • Cannon Memorial YMCA
  • Coltrane L.I.F.E. Center
  • Cooperative Christian Ministry
  • Kannapolis Education Foundation
  • Kannapolis Rotary Club
  • Lifespan
  • Meals on Wheels of Rowan
  • Prosperity Community Connection
  • Prosperity Unlimited, Inc.
  • Special Olympics Cabarrus County
  • The Salvation Army
  • The Serenity House, Inc.


Phone: 704-920-4444

Address: 401 Laureate Way
Kannapolis, NC 28081

Department Directory