We welcome you to Discover the many businesses and entertainment options the City has to offer. After shopping and grabbing a delicious meal - see a movie at the GEM Theatre, enjoy a show at The Swanee Theatre, take in a Kannapolis Cannon Ballers game or exercise by Looping the Loop.
There are many convenient and easily walkable public parking options available. All are free to the public unless otherwise noted.
VIDA parking deck, hourly fees apply
Public parking spaces on West Avenue, Research Campus Drive, Veterans Park, Laureate Way, West A Street and Cannon Baller Way
Oak Ave. Parking Lot
Kannapolis Train Station Lot
North Main Street Lot
City Hall Lots
Chestnut Ave. Lot
University Lot
Watson Crick Lot
South Main Street Lot
Please note: Some parking areas may become restricted/require payment during Cannon Ballers Home Games.
Amtrak passengers who need to park overnight in the Train Station/Main Street Parking Lot do not need a parking permit.
Handicap parking is available along West Avenue, in each city parking lot and the VIDA deck.
Designated passenger drop-off & pick up locations:
Available rideshare passengers or anyone who simply needs to drop off or pick up passengers.
At the Gem Theatre on Laureate Way.
At the Swanee Theatre on Cannon Baller Way.
Free West Avenue Express Shuttle
Runs continuously 5-10 p.m. Friday - Sunday.
April thru December.
Catch the Express and these locations:
Shuttle will arrive at each stop approximately every 5 minutes. Both shuttles are ADA accessible and free to the public.
VIDA and Stadium Loft Residents are welcome to park in the VIDA deck and in the Main Street and Oak Avenue public parking lots.
Downtown business owners, tenants and employees should park in non-premium parking spaces, premium spaces are reserved for the public. Non-premium spaces include the public parking lots located at: Oak Ave., Train Station, North Main Street, NCRC Deck, City Hall, Chestnut Ave.,University, Watson Crick, Wellness Way, South Main Street and RCCC. Parking is available in the VIDA Deck at the hourly/daily rate.
Download the parking map HERE.