The Kannapolis City Council has established a Youth Council. The Council’s goal is to create opportunities for students to become engaged in leadership development, provide avenues for high school students to volunteer, develop leadership skills, develop high standards for behavior, to refine communication abilities, practice teamwork and to have a line of communication to the adult leadership in the decision-making process of the City. The formation of the Youth Council is the result of conversations between council members and area high school students.
High school aged students, who live within the Kannapolis City limits, are eligible to apply to be on the Youth Council. Applications for the 2025 -2026 year will be opened now through March 14.
To the greatest extent possible, the Youth Council will represent the geographic and educational diversity of the City with participants from the two public high schools located in the City, students living in the City but attending other public high schools, home school students, charter schools and private high schools.
“We look forward to getting the Youth Council organized. It is an item that has been on our wish list and during our conversations with members of our youth population we felt like it was the right time to form a youth council. Our youth are a valuable asset to our City. We want to cultivate their enthusiasm for our City and community and will be announcing next steps for the Youth Council soon,” commented Kannapolis Mayor Darrell Hinnant.
For more information contact Annette Privette Keller, Director of Communications, at 704.920.4311 or aprivettekeller@kannapolisnc.gov.