General Youth Athletics Information

Player Registration Fees

Resident of Kannapolis: $45
Non-Resident: $65
Financial Assistance Available. Click here to learn more about scholarships!

Coaches Needed

We need coaches! Interested in coaching a team? Please contact our office or click the sport specific page to complete a Kannapolis Coach & Volunteer application.

Basketball coach with players  Soccer coach with players  Basketball coach

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsoring a team is a great way to show community support and also a budget friendly way to advertise your business! Please contact our office or click the sport specific page for additional sponsorship information.

Pepsi basketball sponsor

Inclement Weather Hotline

In the event of inclement weather or other factors that might place events in question, we will provide an updated message on our Inclement Weather Hotline. Please call this number after 4 p.m. on weekdays, and after 8 a.m. on Saturdays. The Inclement Weather Hotline number is 704-920-4344.

Registration Links

Youth Softball & Baseball (closed)

Youth Soccer (closed)

Youth Flag Football  (closed)

Youth Basketball (closed)



Phone: 704-920-4343

Address: 401 Laureate Way,
Kannapolis, NC 28081
3rd Floor

Village Park
700 West C Street
Kannapolis, NC 28081

Department Directory