Customer Service & Utility Billing


The City offers water & sewer, stormwater, garbage & recycling service to its residents and businesses. You will receive a bill once a month for these services. If you have any questions regarding the City or these services you are welcome to phone our Customer Call Center at 704.920.4444 or use the chat feature located at the bottom of this page. 

Pay My Utility Bill

  • BY PHONE – Automated voice response system 704-920-4444 choose option 1 or dial direct to 704-920-4400
  • DRIVE-UP KIOSK – Located in the parking lot of City Hall, 401 Laureate Way
  • BY MAIL – Mail checks to City of Kannapolis, PO Box 604072, Charlotte, NC 28260-4072
  • IN PERSON – Customer Service Center located in City Hall at 401 Laureate Way
  • DROPBOX – Located in the parking lot at City Hall – check payments only 

Watch this infomational video for directions on how to operate the self-serve bill pay kisosk. 

Please note, a $3.25 convenience fee applies to all payments made with a debit or credit card.

Payment Terms

ALL UTILITY BILLS ARE DUE AND PAYABLE UPON RECEIPT. The due date listed on your bill applies only to the current charges listed and does not extend the time for payment of the previous billing. Bills are considered past due on the 25th day after the bill date. Failure to receive your bill does not relieve the responsibility of timely payment. A late penalty is applied on the 26th day after the bill date. The late penalty is 10% of the current charges, up to a maximum of $10. If any charges and or penalties remain unpaid, 45 calendar days after the original bill date, service may be disconnected without further notice.

For any of the following questions, please call 704.920.4444.

  • Apply for and pay for water/sewer taps
  • Apply for water/sewer service
  • Request pool adjustments 
  • Request leak adjustments
  • Request rereads for water bills
  • Close your water/sewer account

Need Assistance/Repayment Plan?

If you have accumulated past due balances we would like to help you with those, by working to setup a payment plan. In order to prevent interruption of your service, you must have a signed Payment Plan on file with the City of Kannapolis. Our Customer Service staff will work one-on-one with you to get a payment plan in place. 

Email to schedule a call to discuss your account. Please include your full name, phone number, and account number in the email.

Can't find what you are looking for?

You are welcome to call us at 704-920.4444 or email us at if you have additional questions.

Administrative and Billing Fee Schedule

A complete list of the current Fee schedule can be found on the City of Kannapolis Finance Page.

About Us

The City of Kannapolis Customer Service Department operates as 2-unit entity: the Customer Service Call Center Unit and the Utility Billing and Collections Unit. 

The Customer Service Call Center unit is dedicated to providing a high level of cooperative, knowledgeable, and personal service to the residents and businesses of Kannapolis.

The Utility Billing and Collections team works to provide the highest level of customer service, accurate billing, and ease of collections.


Phone: 704-920-4444

Address: 401 Laureate Way
Kannapolis, NC 28081

Department Directory

Jenny Johnson

Jenny Johnson
Director of Customer Service