Youth Council Application

The City of Kannapolis has established a Youth Council to develop a diverse group of young leaders. The core values of the Youth Council are leadership, accountability and a heart for service. The Youth Council will serve as an advisory group on youth affairs to the Kannapolis City Council. Students in grades 9-12 for the 2025-2026 school year who are residents of the City of Kannapolis are eligible to apply. Students will serve from May 2025 – May 2026. The deadline for applications is March 14, 2025. Mandatory attendance of monthly meetings and service projects is required. 

To be considered you must complete the application below and have your two letters of reference submitted. *Recommendations must be emailed from the recommender, not the candidate*

For further information, contact Youth Council Advisor Annette Privette Keller, 704-920-4311 or

  • I. Basic Information

  • Phone Number


  • II. Involvement



  • III. References

    (two are required)
  • Two letters of reference from people who can speak to your character, leadership abilities and qualifications to serve on the Youth Council are required. Your reference may be a teacher, guidance counselor, principal, employer, etc., however it should not come from a relative. References may be submitted by e-mail to The references must come directly from the person who is providing the reference, not the candidate. Please provide the name, phone number, email address, and relationship to you of the people who will be submitting letters of reference for your application in the space below. You are responsible for asking your desired person to write and submit the reference. 

    (You will receive a confirmation email once this application is submitted with information for your references to submit their letters.)

  • Phone Number

  • Phone Number


  • IV. Questions

    Please answer the following.


  • V. Signatures

  • Applicant Terms
    I have read and understand the commitment required of the Kannapolis Youth Council. I understand that, if selected, I am able to make this commitment for the upcoming school year. I understand that I am offering my services to the City of Kannapolis without compensation. If I become a member of the Kannapolis Youth Council, I agree to abide by all city rules, regulations and policies, either published or in effect by custom and usage (including the Ordinance establishing the Kannapolis Youth Council), as well as all applicable rules, regulations and laws of the State of North Carolina.


    Parent/Guardian Terms
    I give permission for {[Student Name]} to seek the position of Kannapolis Youth Council member. I will support their attendance at meetings and participation in Kannapolis Youth Council activities and projects.